Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Love Beyond All Measure

Although I set this weeks SALT challenge, I found it difficult to turn my ideas into reality, but as you can see... Ifinally got there. The challenge 'The verse John 3:16 'For God so loved the world that he sent his one and only son, that whoever believed in him shall not live but have everlasting life' It is perhaps a well known verse, but it is a real testimony to our Christian faith, the fact that the babe Jesus was born as a SAVIOUR for our sins. So that if YOU believe that he came to die, and ask for forgiveness YOU ALSO will recieve the GIFT of eternal life in heaven.'

After searching the internet for inspiration I found this verse in the shape of a cross (taken from a tract by Max Lucado), and thought it would be a good way of presenting it. I wanted to make something different, rather than using this as a hanging, or on a card, so thanks to Ruth who suggested to put it on a notebook! Perfect! I vamped up this handmade book given to me as a gift. Hence the before and after shots.

Tuesday, 18 December 2007

"There is a time for everything"

Everything takes time! And as the Bible reminds us in the book of ecclesiastes 'There is a time for everything'. I seem to be having less time for cards, but I have a had a birthday one to make and a quick turn over of a Ruby one... so here they are. I miss taking part in the challenges, but just havent found enough... time!